Site With Love - Transition is certain, justice is not.
ZOOM Webinar
Thursday, May 23rd 5pm- 6:30pm
RSVP HERE. Facebook Listing here.
The MA Environmental Justice Legislative Table invites you to join us in a vision for justice. All too often we see public policy driven by fear and scarcity- yet as our planet is transformed by climate change, we have the opportunity to move towards justice. This webinar invites allies to connect, to learn and ultimately take action in solidarity with Environmental Justice communities both long-term and short-term for siting justice this legislative session.
The MA Environmental Justice Legislative Table members include GreenRoots, Alternatives for Community & Environment, Coalition for Social Justice, Arise for Social Justice, Groundwork Lawrence, and the North American Indian Center of Boston with allied support from Conservation Law Foundation, Union of Concerned Scientists, Massachusetts Public Health Association, Unitarian Universalist Mass Action, Clean Water Action, MA Climate Action Network, and Environmental League of MA.
To have your organization co-sponsor this event, fill out this form:
Current Co-Sponsors
350 Central Mass
350 Mass
Berkshire Environmental Action Team
Better Future Project
Brookhaven Residents' Climate Change Committee
Climate Action Now Western Mass
Elders Climate Action Mass
Jewish Alliance for Law and Social Action
MA Climate Action Network(MCAN)
Mothers Out Front Massachusetts
No Fracked Gas in Mass
North Parish Climate Justice
North Quabbin Energy
Our Climate
Pipe Line Awareness Network for the Northeast, inc
Progressive Massachusetts
Resilient Greenfield
Salem Alliance for the Environment (SAFE)
Sustainable Wellesley
Third Act MA
Union of Concerned Scientists
Unitarian Universalist Meeting of South Berkshire
Vote Solar
Worcester Congregations for Climate and Environmental Justice